Meet My Newest Sound Healing Tool - The Drum!

My New Drum

My drum just had a makeover by my favorite artist and talented friend Adam Podsednik!  I’ve admired Adam’s work for a long time, so when I finally crossed paths with a vegan drum that spoke to my soul, I shipped her off to Adam for a magical makeover.  He beautifully put to life the intention this special sound healing tool holds.  Every piece of this design has a meaningful connection to my life and healing practice.  Listed below is the symbolism.

The tree with the chakras on the trunk represents the balance and harmony we feel when our roots are firmly planted and we are grounded as we branch out and grow towards the light.  The swirls of the roots and branches represent a scared healing symbol I use during healing sessions, while the leaves represent the beloved willow tree I spent my childhood climbing.  It was in this tree that I talked to my angels and guides.  If you look closely, you’ll notice angel feathers floating which symbolize messages from spirit.

The birds in the tree are lovebirds and soulmates.  The bluebird symbolizes my husband and masculine energy, while the white bird represents myself and feminine energy.

The white cat represents my beloved deceased cat Freshie who symbolizes past life healing.  The orange cat represents my cat Dexter who symbolizes present life healing.

Thank you Adam, for creating a sacred piece that will be used and enjoyed by myself and clients for years to come!

Michelle Kellogg
Reiki Master & Sound Healer 
NCBTMB Approved Provider

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