Cutting Cords!

Cutting Cords with a Crystal Singing Bowl

Do you need to cut some energetic cords?  When conducting Reiki & sound healing sessions, one of the tools I use to cut cords is a crystal singing bowl.

We often develop energetic cords or emotional entanglements with those people that we come in contact with whether it’s friends, family, coworkers, or just people we interact with in everyday life. 

If you’re an empath, these energetic cords can feel heavy and draining over time.  That’s why cutting cords is so important.  Cord-cutting raises our vibration and frees us from the energetic sludge that is left behind by others.

PS. I hope you enjoy the sounds of birds as much as I do because apparently this tool really makes them sing!  I’ll film a video in the future without the help of my feathered friends. :-)

Michelle Kellogg - Mindful Mystic
Reiki Master & Sound Healer 
Las Vegas, Nevada

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