Minimize your Junk, Maximize your Freedom!

Minimize your Junk, Maximize your Freedom!

Are you in spring cleaning /organizing mode?  Are you ready to part with unused and unwanted items to create an energetic flow of true abundance and prosperity?  If so, join me in the "30 Day Minimalism Game" created by @theminimalists.  

The rules are simple.  Day 1 you ease into it by getting rid of or donating 1 thing, day 2 get rid of 2, day 3 get rid of 3 things and so on. By the end of the 30 days, you've parted ways with 465 items that were just wasting space, collecting dust, and stagnating your chi!  

My husband and I did this at the start of the year and by the end of 30 days we felt physically and emotionally lighter.  This energetic shift ushered in an increased abundance of energy, time, space, gratitude, prosperity, and freedom! 

I'm starting another round beginning on Tuesday, the spring equinox, which is the perfect time to decrease your junk and increase your freedom! This time around I think I'm finally ready to get rid of the rest of the "just in case" items I've been holding on to.

A minimalist lifestyle is not one of deprivation or doing without.  It's actually the total opposite!  Minimizing the clutter, chaos, and expense of unnecessary stuff and space maximizes your time and money to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.  Instead of filling your life with a bunch of unnecessary crap that ties you down, you're filling it with the experiences, opportunities, and people that add real value to your life.

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