Animal Reiki Works!

Reiki Helped My Anxiety

My name is Dexter and 8 years ago today I was born in a dumpster. My humans met me at a foster home and fell madly in love with my soulful eyes and loving personality. They adopted me immediately! Now I live a posh life surrounded by endless love and constant cuddles!

When I was a kitten I would hide for hours after hearing any sort of sudden noise. The sounds of the doorbell or my humans bringing home groceries would fill me with fear and anxiety and cause me to hide for the rest of the day. I'd also hide the moment any visitor entered my sanctuary. It took my humans months to discover my top-secret hiding spot!

Then my human mom started giving me daily Reiki healing treatments. Her energy makes me feel calm, safe, and happy. Her gentle hands and soothing energy relax me so much that I drool all over her lap. Now I am a confident and happy cat! Sounds still make me jump a bit, but I no longer hide. I simply give the person who made a noise a dirty look, then carry on with my peaceful day.

Now I LOVE visitors! Whenever human friends come over I greet them at the front door then collapse on my back so they can rub my big, fat, furry belly. I also enjoy showing off my fluffy tail to humans by putting my butt in their face. I'm such a friendly and well-mannered guy! The only thing that causes me to hide now is when my grumpy old Persian cat brother bullies me. If you knew him, you'd totally understand why!

Happy Birthday to me!

Blissful Blessings!
Michelle Kellogg

Reiki Master - NCBTMB Approved Provider


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