Metaphysical Properties of Amazonite


Amazonite is a beautiful light green to a blue-green gemstone that is known for its calming and soothing properties. Metaphysically, it is believed to have a number of beneficial properties, including:

  1. Calming energy: Amazonite is said to have a calming energy that helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It can help to calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace.

  2. Communication: Amazonite is believed to enhance communication and promote honest and open communication. It is said to help with communication in all types of relationships, including romantic relationships, friendships, and business relationships.

  3. Self-discovery: Amazonite is said to help with self-discovery and self-awareness. It can help you to better understand your own thoughts and feelings and to connect with your true self.

  4. Protection: Amazonite is believed to offer protection from negative energy and to help shield the wearer from electromagnetic pollution.

Overall, Amazonite is a beautiful gemstone that is believed to have a range of beneficial metaphysical properties. Whether you wear it as jewelry or simply keep it nearby, it can help you to feel more calm, centered, and connected to your inner self.

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