Metaphysical Properties of Lapis Lazuli

 Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a deep blue semi-precious stone that has been prized for its beauty and spiritual properties for thousands of years. In metaphysical beliefs, lapis lazuli is believed to possess a range of properties that can enhance spiritual growth, intuition, and creativity.

Some of the metaphysical properties associated with lapis lazuli include:

  1. Third Eye Activation: Lapis lazuli is believed to stimulate the Third Eye chakra, which is located in the center of the forehead. This chakra is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. It is believed that wearing or carrying lapis lazuli can help to activate this chakra, leading to greater intuition and a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm.

  2. Communication: Lapis lazuli is also believed to enhance communication, both with others and with the spiritual realm. It is said to help individuals speak their truth and express themselves more effectively, as well as facilitate communication with spirit guides, angels, and other higher beings.

  3. Creativity: Lapis lazuli is associated with creativity and is said to inspire individuals to tap into their artistic and imaginative abilities. It is believed to help individuals break through creative blocks and tap into their inner creativity and self-expression.

  4. Protection: Lapis lazuli is also believed to offer protection against negative energy and psychic attack. It is said to create a shield of spiritual protection around the aura.

    Overall, lapis lazuli is believed to be a powerful stone for enhancing spiritual growth, promoting clarity and objectivity, and encouraging self-expression and creativity.

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