How to Balance the Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

The electromagnetic field of the heart is many times greater than that of our rational thinking brain. Our heart has innate intelligence and wisdom that sees well beyond the surface of life, to the energetic essence in all moments.

The heart chakra serves as the bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world. When our heart chakra is healthy and strong, we feel expansive and infinite with a boundless source of free-flowing love, compassion, and generosity. 
When we keep, ourselves stuck in hurt, blame, or resentment, our heart chakra weakens, which disconnects us from our true nature and connection with life.  As we allow ourselves to accept, forgive, set healthy boundaries, and have compassion for ourselves and others, it enables us to establish a healthy balance of giving, sharing, and receiving energy while moving beyond obstacles with grace and ease.  Just as your heart keeps blood moving through your body, your heart chakra keeps love moving through the channels of your life.

This heart chakra crystal singing bowl is one of the sound healing tools I use to restore balance and harmony during my chakra balancing Reiki & sound healing sessions. Click here to learn more or to schedule your energetic tune up.

Michelle Kellogg
Reiki Master - NCBTMB Approved Provider

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