How to Balance the Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

Located between the navel and the sternum, our Solar Plexus is the power center of our being. It serves as the energetic home base for our individuality, self-esteem, will power, and resiliency. This sun center ignites our inner fire allowing us to live with strength, courage, and confidence. A balanced Solar Plexus chakra allows us to fuel our ambitions as we grow, expand and pursue our deepest desires. When we empower ourselves to express our individuality in its fullest form, we inspire others to shine too. In what ways is your Solar Plexus shining today?

If you'd like to learn more about the chakras, click here to visit my website and sign up for a FREE Chakra Healing eBook.

Michelle Kellogg
Reiki Master - NCBTMB Approved Provider

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