Local & Online Reiki Certification Class - NCBTMB Approved

Reiki Certification Classes are NCBTMB Approved!

"Everything is energy! Your thoughts begin it, your emotions amplify it, and your actions increase its momentum." 

Would you like to learn how to access and use your natural healing abilities to elevate, balance, and heal yourself and others? Are you feeling called as a lightworker and spiritual entrepreneur to serve the community as a Reiki practitioner? Are you ready to utilize your life experiences, knowledge, and healing abilities to create your own unique energy healing practice? 

I'm excited to announce that my online Chakra Balancing Reiki Certification course is now NCBTMB certified! Just a few days left to enjoy $100 off with early bird enrollment. Any questions about the course? Drop them in the comments below. Click here for more information about the course.

Michelle Kellogg
Reiki Master - NCBTMB Approved Provider

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